So confession...I went to see this movie basically just to ask for a ticket and use the full title in every conversation I could. That said, the title does not lend itself well for writing so from here on out, it will be referred to as Alexander Etc. So basically, I had low expectations. I was looking for something new to watch while I ate an unhealthy theater supper. But low expectations are made to be exceeded.

If the title didn't clue you in, Alexander doesn't have the best of days. His days actually suck. His family however have everything going right. His Dad just landed a big interview as a video game designer, His mom could become the Vice President of the company if her book launch goes well, his older brother is about to get his driving permit and go to prom with the hottest girl in school, and His older sister is starring in the school play. Even his baby brother is saying his first word! Alexander meanwhile is accidentally starting fires in his school lab, waking up with gum in his hair, and getting photo-shopped into embarrassing photos. His birthday party is getting hijacked by the most popular kid in school. His family doesn't really understand... He just wishes they could...that they know what it means to have a terrible...horrible....well, you know.
Alexander Etc. is a pretty rare movie in today's world. It's a live action, family comedy. And despite it's title, it really isn't that bad of a movie. It's zany and ridiculous but it's sweet intentions makes it more than makes it actually enjoyable. A great cameo by Dick Van Dyke seals the deal. This is a family movie you should watch. B+
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