I love most musicals. I love most movies directed by Clint Eastwood. I love most movies set in New Jersey. I love a lot of The Four Seasons songs and Frankie Valli's voice. I loved the trailer for Jersey Boys. As you can tell I had a lot of high hopes for this movie going in. I didn't just want to like it; I wanted to love it. And as I walked out I thought to myself....

There are three ways to get out of Jersey in the 50s and 60s: Join the army, join the mob, or get famous. For guys like Tommy DeVito, Nick DeVito, and Frankie Castelluccio there's only two. Tommy understands how unique Frankies voice is and he lets him join his trio so he can teach him everything Tommy knows. Add one songwriter and singer Bob Gaudio, change Frankie's last name to the more manageable Valli and you have the makings of a legend...
I thought to myself, the story was ok but the music was the best parts. It's an interesting story of relationships and the strain of fame but honestly as soon as the songs I stopped caring about what was going on. The story would have not been compelling without the music but the music can stand for itself. As far as bio pics go this was good and a faithful adaptation of the play but as far as cinematic experiences go, it was only okay. The best part was the rousing credits sequence at the end.
Movie B- Music A+
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