Aliens have landed on earth. They cannot be beat. Tom Cruise (cause lets be honest this is Tom Cruise) tries to charm his way out of being in battle to a hard nosed general and is promptly demoted and forced onto the battle field. Even though he doesn't know where his safety is he manages to kill two aliens. Unfortunately while killing that second alien he kind of blows himself up. Luckily the alien blood mixes with his. And luckily the aliens live the same day over and over again until they win and now Tom has this ability to try, try again...
I actually like Tom Cruise. I actually like Oblivion. I had high expectations for Edge of Tomorrow. Here is the bottom line. There are awesome beach attack scenes (imagine the opening of Saving Private Ryan except its aliens) Emily Blunt is amazing, Tom Cruise looks like he's having the time of his life, Bill Paxton is laugh out loud funny, the alien design is downright awesome: there's humor, action and sweet moments. There is a compelling story and the Groundhog Day like time loop never gets old. All of which feels like gets hamstrung by an underwhelming ending. I personally think Oblivion had a better ending. If you like action movies and Tom Cruise you will like Edge of Tomorrow, just lower expectations when it comes the the finale.
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