Monday, April 21, 2014

Draft Day

Draft Day poster.jpgA lot of people watch football. It has become an American pastime surpassing the cultural importance of even baseball. Who better to portray a NFL team manager on draft day (the day that is surpassed perhaps only by the Superbowl in importance to football teams) than the actor known for his iconic role in Field of Dreams? Though it's been many years since Kevin Costner had the type of star power that you can just make a movie and they will come...

The Cleveland Browns suck. I don't say that just cause I'm a Steelers fan. They really do. Everyone, even their own fans know it. But they have a lot of potential. Sonny Weaver Jr. has big plans for the Brown and it all comes down to the big day: the 2014 NFL Draft. Draft day is when stars are born or fall into obscurity. It's also the day team managers can make a championship team, or make terrible decisions that land them in the unemployment office. In all the deals being hashed and decisions being weighed, Sonny's personal life problems keep coming up. His dad recently died (after Sonny fired him), his demanding mother shows up at his office with an unusual request, and his girlfriend is pregnant. Unfortunately, everyone doubts Sonny's ability to bring the Brown back from disaster and juggle all of these issues on the same day... including Sonny himself.  

You could call Draft Day a sports movie... or a drama... or a romantic comedy... Think like Jerry Maguire (Chadwick Boseman even plays a character similar to the one Cuba Gooding Jr. played. To the point where you expect him to begin yelling "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" at any moment) Just like it's tough to pin down exactly where this movie falls on the genre spectrum its also hard to pin down why it's good or bad.
To watch Kevin Costner play the heck out of a character again is fun to watch but otherwise this movie gets a resounding "Eh..."     C+

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