Mia Hall is something of an anomaly in her family. Even though she's the daughter of rocker parents and has a rocker brother and a rocker boyfriend, Mia leans toward more classical music. Not like classic rock but like, Beethoven and stuff... She's actually good enough to be invited to audition with her cello for Julliard. Everything seems to be perfect for Mia...until one fateful day in a tragic car accident when Mia's whole family is killed and she is left in a coma. In a coma though she has a ghost like, out of body experience where she can walk around and hear other people etc. Whether or not she goes (to where it's never really clear) or stays with her boyfriend minus family it's apparently all up to her.
I love Chloe Grace Moretz and I already established a certain appreciation for Chick Flicks. Unfortunately nothing could redeem this stinker of a movie. Great actors but a terrible, shlocky story. It has moments where it almost transcends it's sappy, starry-eyed, sob fest but it quickly resigns itself to mediocre cliches. I actually wanted to like this movie but when the credits rolled all I managed was a eye roll. D