Kai owes a lot to Lord Asano. See when Kai was abandoned in the forests of Japan when he was a baby, the demons that lived there adopted him and tried to teach him how to kill and hate. Kai ran away when he was a boy, carrying his scars with him, and Lord Asano spared his life and made him a squire. Asano even let his daughter befriend Kai. Years later a rival, Lord Kira, killed Lord Asano (in a roundabout way with the help of a witch) and his Samurai was disbanded. Now Kai, thirsting for revenge and honor has joined this group of Samurai outcasts...rebels....Ronin...
The story of the 47 Ronin is a true story. If Hollywood would have done a straight adaptation of that story we would have something like a Last Samurai (one of my favorites.) Unfortunately the studio took a very fantasy take on the story...and it suffers because of it. 47 Ronin is a decent flick... but the creatures, demons, witches, and dragons clog it up with un-realism.
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