Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12 Years A Slave

Some stories need to be told and heard. They are hard to hear and even harder to watch but they still need to be told. Movies have become the medium for storytelling and sometimes the stories they tell are uncomfortable and emotional. The movies have changed peoples way of thinking for years to come. Movies like Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Amistad, Precious, and now 12 Years A Slave.
12 Years a Slave film poster.jpg
Solomon Northrup is just like every other man. He lives in New York with his family and works to provide for that family. He is a talented musician and carpenter. Unfortunately Solomon lives in 1841... a time when not all men were understood to be equal, a time when free black men like Solomon were kidnapped and sold into slavery often. This is exactly what happens to Solomon and what follows is a visceral, harrowing tale of cruelty, humanity, and the will to overcome.

Let me get right to the point: 12 Years A Slave is the best movie of the year to date. I predict it will win the Oscar for being just that. It is a powerful film that beats you emotionally with its portrayals. I walked out of the theater feeling physically different than when I walked in. My popcorn was hardly touched and my drink was barely sipped. It is a hard story to watch but it needs to be watched.

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