X-Men started it all. It may not have been the first superhero movie but it certainly kicked off the 21st century fascination with cape, or leather, or hockey pad wearing super humans. But being the godfather of modern superhero movies also means being plagued with the problems of The Godfather. The first movie was great, the second greater and then everything went down hill. Now a few sequels, prequels, and spinoffs later the original director returns to bring some old glory back the this franchise.

This plot is as complicated as its title but here is the gist: In the future, mutant killing, adaptable machines called sentinels are killing of mutants. Charles Xavier, Magneto, The Wolverine, Storm, Kitty Pride, and Iceman (and a few awesome new faces [BLINK!!!!]) are barely surviving. So Kitty sends the Wolverines consciousness back to 1973 to stop a woman scorned from killing someone and bringing a hell that hath no fury on earth. But the Wolverine needs some help from a few old except not so old friends... (and a few awesome new faces [QUICKSILVER!!!!])
X-Men had lost all credibility a few years ago: the terrible adaptation of Phoenix, the terrible adaptation of Deadpool, actually the whole terrible Origins movie. Then new life was breathed into this franchise with X-Men: First Class. Then we had a Wolverine that wasn't as terrible as Origins but still not great (two words: Silver Samurai) so Days of Future Past had a lot riding on it. Thankfully Bryan Singer knows how to make X-Men movies. It is a great, humorous but still dark thrill ride. The only criticism is that Quicksilver is not onscreen nearly enough. So if you have seen Godzilla, go see this, if you haven't seen Godzilla yet, go buy tickets to both you loser.
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