Neighbors can be the best....or the worst. They can help you with grass cutting and BBQs in the summer and snow shoveling and time killing in the winter. OR they can make you call the cops in the middle of the night to tell them to quiet down and make you check the classifieds for new houses. So what about these cinematic Neighbors, should you live next to them or not even stop to visit?

Mac and Kelly Radner are trying to recapture the fast and furious days of their youth when responsibilities were nonexistent and fun was to be had anytime. Now that they are middle aged, new parents and recently bought their first house they are feeling the pressure of adulthood.
Teddy Sanders and Pete Regazolli are the senior president and vice president respectively of their college fraternity Delta Psi and before they graduate and have to face the responsibilities of adulthood they want to throw the biggest party a fraternity ever threw and party their way into frat legend.
Mac and Kelly, meet your new neighbors Delta Psi.
First off let me say, it surprised me how much Neighbors devoted its run time not just to the absurd, decadent partying, but took a good, hard, honest look at what growing up and maturity means in America today. Parenting and responsibility are not subjects you'd think would get a lot of consideration in a Seth Rogen comedy but they are and can be called the heroes of the film. Also there are some parts that get some raucous laughter. But.... back to the absurd, decadent partying... If you prefer your comedies without language, sex, sexual visual gags, drugs, and general mayhem you don't want to be in the Neighborhood of this film.